Crochet Christmas Tree Garland


1 Day Workshop

Fri, 9th December, 2022

10:00am - 4:00pm

In the session we would make at least one tree for you to take the kit to continue the Garland/individual trees at home.  It is aimed at beginners wanting to move up to intermediate crochet so you would need to be able to make the basic crochet stitches of chain, double crochet and treble crochet. Left handers are extremely welcome! All you need to bring is a 3mm crochet hook, but not to worry if you forget as I have loads spare I can bring for you to use on the day.

T he Christmas tree kits are £22 (payable to Rebecca on the day) - this includes everything to make ten Christmas trees into a Garland.

This kit includes our Crochet Christmas tree pattern with instructions on how to crochet a mini Christmas tree and 2 50g balls of Blacker Swan Tussac forest green in 4-ply, plus 6.5 meters of Hawkweed dark orange and 11.5 meters of Sundew gold. 
